
Forest analytics consulting

Arbor Custom Analytics LLC offers data and analytics consulting services to forestry companies and organizations. Browse our company slidedeck for more info.

Specializations include:

  • Forest analytics
  • Forest carbon assessment
  • Forest growth and yield modeling
  • Forest Vegetation Simulator modeling and scenario analysis
  • Statistical modeling
  • Short courses and workshops for forest and natural resource professionals
  • Independent research

Matt Russell

President and CEO

Webpage | LinkedIn | Google Scholar | GitHub


  • Experience in forestry and analytics research, teaching, and outreach
  • Author/co-author of over 80 peer-reviewed articles focusing on applied forestry research
  • Leadership in Society of American Foresters: New England SAF (Newsletter Editor; 2023-current); Forest Science and Technology Board (Chair, 2021-2022); A1-Inventory and Biometrics Working Group (Officer, 2014-2017)
  • Member of Society of American Foresters and Forest Products Society


  • University of Maine, PhD in Forest Resources
  • Virginia Tech, MS in Forestry
  • Paul Smith’s College, BS in Forestry

Want to get started on a project?

Schedule a 30-minute call with Matt so we can learn more.