Sampling design and statistical approaches in forestry

May 19, 2023, online workshop
analytics sampling forestsamplr data science statistics tidymodels

This workshop for Tag Ng showcased how sampling and statistics can be used in forestry applications. The two-hour virtual workshop discussed common sampling design used in forestry and statistical approaches with forest inventory data. Example coding sessions used the forestsamplr and tidymodels packages in R.

Preliminary thoughts on using the new National Scale Volume and Biomass Estimators

February 26, 2024
forest inventory and analysis forest carbon forest inventory forest measurements NSVB FIA analytics

A list of R packages for forestry applications

November 24, 2023
analytics R R packages statistics data science forestry

How much does adding previous diameter and height growth change FVS predictions?

October 31, 2023
analytics carbon forest carbon forest inventory forest inventory and analysis forest measurements FVS growth and yield