New eBook: Forest Carbon by the Numbers

August 12, 2021
books carbon carbon markets forest carbon forest measurements

Now available on Amazon is Forest Carbon by the Numbers: Understanding the Hottest Forest Product of the 2020s.

Carbon is becoming a highly valued commodity of forests. Trees sequester carbon dioxide and turn it into wood, storing carbon in forests and long-lived forest products for long time periods. Despite the increased recognition of carbon as a natural climate solution and several emerging markets that monetize it, few professionals in forestry and natural resources have a grasp on the amount and extent of forest carbon in the ecosystems they work in.

In Forest Carbon by the Numbers, I share insights and visualizations of the current status and trends in forest carbon and how it impacts the forest products industry.

In Forest Carbon by the Numbers, you will understand:

  • Terminology associated with forest carbon measurements and markets,
  • How forest carbon is quantified (from individual tree to landscape scales),
  • How to leverage forest inventory data to understand forest biomass and carbon, and
  • Trends and future opportunities in forest carbon.

GET THE EBOOK to learn more about forest carbon and how it can be better understood in your own organization.

By Matt Russell. Email Matt with any questions or comments. Sign up for my monthly newsletter for in-depth analysis on data and analytics in the forest products industry.

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